Friends and family,
Kathy, Kaitlyn, Shane and I have much to be thankful for as we approach 2009 – the bond of family; continued health and well-being; blessings of home, food and clothes; highlights of quality time away to enjoy each other (i.e. wonderful getaways to Disney, Cape Cod, Upstate NY-Vermont); nurturing of our personal growth and individuality through school and community involvement; and (knock on wood) no broken bones.
We hope this letter finds you equally as well in what has been an extraordinarily interesting year – personally, politically, economically, globally, etc. There’s a high probability that 2008 will become one of the most studied years in our history, with a monumental presidential election, a global economic crisis, Wall Street and auto industry bailouts merely a few of the headline grabbers.
There are many lessons to be learned by all of us; and perhaps I have had too many sips of the “Change” Cool Aid, but my view is that Mr. Obama’s decisive victory signals a necessary paradigm shift for our nation and its place in the world; and no matter your political leanings, 2009 must be the year to embrace the notion of change, not only on a international and national front, but especially on local and personal fronts.
I continue to ask myself, and suggest you ask yourself: “How can I change?” (And no peanut gallery comments like “drop the Jets and become a Giants fan,” because that will not happen…or, “a paper bag over your head, or a muzzle, for starters”). Xmas season, for me, is not the time to dwell on the past, but to focus on renewal, especially as Kaitlyn (almost 7) and Shane (5+) beautifully mature by the second.
Embracing change is a necessary part of that equation. Ask yourself:
- Am I the best person that I can be, or can I sacrifice more?
- What more can I do to initiate or facilitate positive changes not only for me and my family, but for my broader community as well?
- Can I dig deeper within to share my talents with those in need?
- Do I go the extra mile, or just say “no thanks; someone else can do it” or “I’m too tired now”?
Point being, “congratulations” if you can honestly answer “yes” to all of the above—you’re an even more spectacular person than even I imagined; but if you’re like fallible ole me and question whether my actions of the past year sit well with a higher power and me, then there is no better time than the present to take positive action.
In my view there is no greater ill than complacency, inaction or “staying the course” when what we’re doing doesn’t work, so what harm is there really in considering positive change, even if it is as small as a simple hug or “I love you” reminder? We have no one but ourselves to blame for assuming a posture of passivity and indifference that ultimately could lead to regret, for life is too short.
Let us all embrace change for the better in 2009 and beyond, not only for ourselves and our families, but for our local and global communities as well, and be agents of a more positive experience in our short existence. Even if the change is small, a lot of “small change” can add up to big change and a much richer life experience.
Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and best wishes for 2009!
Cheers, Bill
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